IUK | College of Business Administration

Entrepreneurship . Ethics . Discipline

Driven by key values listed above, the college offers seven world class degree programs empowering students
with knowledge and skills needed for success in local and international markets.

College of Business Administration at IUK aims to provide modern and high quality education in an innovative and intellectually stimulating environment which is conducive for learning and entrepreneurial leadership. The college aspires to link theory with application, enhance 21st century skills and involve students in active learning.

The mission of the College of Business is to educate and develop leaders and entrepreneurs to generate value for their stakeholders and society at large. Our internationally recognized faculty members are engaged to create an innovative and active learning environment, where they strive to deliver a high-quality business curriculum via scientific-proven teaching methodologies and scholarly contributions.

Welcome to the College of Business Administration (CBA) at the International University of Science and Technology in Kuwait.

I am honored to lead the CBA at a time when education, business and technology are rapidly changing, evolving and challenging.

Achieving excellence in education and research, CBA equips its graduates with the required knowledge, skills and competencies that enable them to play a vital role in the local, regional, and international markets, and contribute to achieving Kuwait’s Vision 2035 together with the sustainable economic and social development goals.

Carrying out the mission of the college, CBA promotes its core values of intellectual and scholarly excellence together with accountability, respect, and integrity that are aligned with IUK’s values.

The college strives to prepare students to play an active role as productive members of the society by offering a range of unique business specializations and providing comprehensive education. Our internationally recognized faculty members are dedicated to creating and supporting an innovative and active learning environment to deliver high-quality business curricula via scientifically proven teaching methodologies and scholarly contributions.

The college is unique in offering a bachelor's degree in a number of business specializations, namely:

  • Accounting
  • Banking and Investment Management
  • Finance and Financial Technology (FinTech)
  • Healthcare Management
  • Information Systems
  • Marketing
  • Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Irrespective of your aspirations, CBA will endeavor to provide a unique learning experience to facilitate your current and future educational needs. To explore and learn more about the college of Business Administration, please visit our website.

Prof. Kamal Naser


General Degree Requirements

The College of Business Administration offers the Bachelor of Business Administration (B. BA.) in the above programs. To earn the B.BA, students must complete 126 Credit Hours of courses, where 42 Credit Hours should be in the major.

The requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.BA.) degrees are summarized as follows:

Students seeking a bachelor’s degree must complete the university core curriculum (General Education) requirements summarized below:
  • Compulsory Group (21 Credit Hours – All students )

  • Humanities, Arts, and Culture Knowledge Area (6 Credit Hours)

  • Social and Behavioral Sciences Knowledge Area (6 Credit Hours)

  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences Knowledge Area (9 Credit Hours)

The College of Business Administration requires several other requirements in general business concepts, analysis, and computing. The courses of these requirements are common between all the majors of Business Administration and are divided into two groups as follows:

Basic Business Administration (24 Credit Hours)

Course code Course Title Credit Hours PRE-requisite CO-requisite
BUSG 101 Principles of Business Administration 3 ENGL 100  
ACCT 130 Financial Accounting I 3 BUSG 101 MATH 110
ACCT 232 Financial Accounting II 3 ACCT 130  
ECON 204 Business Economics 3 BUSG 101 MATH 110
FINT 232 Principles of Finance 3 ACCT 130  
MARK 201 Principles of Marketing 3 BUSG 101  
STAT 231 Statistics for Business 3 MATH 114  
BUSG 250 Business Law 3 BUSG 101, ACCT 130  
Total 24    

Advanced Business Administration (12 Credit Hours)

Course code Course Title Credit Hours PRE-requisite CO-requisite
INFS 201 Management Info. Systems 3 INFS 120  
MANG 301 Management & Organizational Behavior 3 ENGL 100 MATH 110
MANG 485 Strategic & Sustainable Manage 3 OPMG 335, FINT 232, MARK 201  
MANG 490 Leadership & Change Management 3 MANG 301 & Senior Standing MATH 110
Total 12    

To receive a Bachelor of BA in a certain major, students must complete the required and elective courses in that major.
  • Major Required Courses (24 Credit Hours)

  • Major Elective Courses (18 Credit Hours)

All Business students must complete the following courses
  • Practicum in Business (3 Credit Hours)

  • Business Internship (3 Credit Hours)