IUK | Vision-Mission


To be the leading university in Kuwait and the region, to promote innovation and academic excellence.

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To contribute to the transformation of Kuwait and the region through excellence in education.

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Developed to reflect the vision of the chairman     and the principles of the senior executive team.

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Our Vision

To be a premier and leading university in Kuwait and the region, to promote innovation and academic excellence, and to contribute to the educational and sustainable economic development in Kuwait and the GCC region.

Our Mission

To contribute to the transformation of Kuwait and the region through excellence in education. This is achieved primarily by offering bespoke modern programs in three colleges covering engineering, business, and arts. Future colleges with contemporary programs are envisaged to further promote excellence within the overarching Vision of Kuwait 2035 and the challenge of diversification.

Our Values

Values at IUK were developed to reflect the vision of the chairman and the principles of the senior executive team to form a solid foundation for the decision-making and practice by constituents of the university: 

  • Respect and commitment: Integrity, fairness, tolerance, respect, and professional attitude.
  • Diversity: Foster an affluent environment with diverse cultures and rich in students and staff with varied skills and backgrounds.
  • Excellence and Leadership: Promote excellence and professional attitude to support the success of students and their success as future leaders and active contributors to social and economy development.
  • Social Responsibility: Develop a commitment for the advancement of the university, the prosperity of the community, and welfare of the country and region.
  • Innovation & Creativity: Provide students with a set of knowledge and skills that enables them to innovate and succeed in future entrepreneurial ventures.